Role: Operations/Design
About: Coloradical is Colorado's original lifestyle brand. Although the brand had seen great success with stockists across the state, orders were still being taken through back-and-forth emailing. This was inconvenient and time consuming for both stockists and staff, and led to a lot of miscommunication and frustration. Additionally, the payment structure for stockists was convoluted and confusing, utilizing multiple streams to collect payment, often after orders had already been shipped. The need for a wholesale website was apparent, so I got to work.
Outcome: I created a wholesale website using the customer-facing Shopify site as the backbone. I coded in the option to order multiple variants at once - something that speeds up the ordering process and reduces the need to refresh multiple pages during ordering - as well as live inventory numbers so that stockists can see our inventory while ordering. The site is password protected so that only stockists can see the wholesale pricing. This has been a huge relief for the brand, with orders large and small coming in weekly in a standardized fashion. (to date, the site is approaching $30,000 in revenue as of late 2016) Additionally, I designed the site to include multiple shipping and payment options for the various stockist nuances, so there are options to be invoiced, pay by check, pay online, as well as pick up locally to avoid extra shipping costs.
The website allows stockists to order any time of the day or night, and streamlines communication and stocking issues that plagued operations prior to its launch. It is a one-stop repository that provides comprehensive data and clarifies the process for all parties, while syncing with the customer-facing shipping program to make labeling professional and fast. Wholesale data now lives in a single, easy-to-manage portal.